About Me

My name is Richard Huang, the Founder of Xinmin Labs, Awesome Code and Upgrade Code, I'm also a senior software engineer who has a strong focus on code quality, server performance and scalability.

Most of my professional work is done in Ruby, the Rails web framework, node.js, and Javascript MVC frameworks Backbone, Angular and React.

I love contributing to the open source community, have built bullet and rails_best_practices gems, and synvert.

I spoke at RubyKaigi 2011, Railsconf 2012, RedDotRubyConf 2013, RubyConfTW 2014, RubyKaigi 2014, Euruko 2015, RubyConf Au 2016, Rubykaigi 2023 and many times at ruby/rails conferences in China. Please go to my presentations page to see more.

I have built a large high-traffic platform, with more than 250 million users, handle more than 300k rpm. I also built some async non-blocking api services, based on EM + fiber, only 16 ruby instances can easily handle 240k rpm.